A Humanist approach to life
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
- Mahatma Gandhi
We believe that every living being has a right to a life of dignity. Every day hundreds of dogs, cats, cattles and others die from accidents, hunger, thirst, heat-strokes, and worst of all; human cruelty. We at MCF believe that we all have opportunities to share the lives of others. We can choose to directly work with them, or aid others who work with them. Together, we move, one step at a time.

What we do

Food for community animals

Rescue and Rehabilitation

Animal Sanctuary


Causes We Believe In
Animals We Helped In 2020
Adoptions Done
Projects In the Pipeline

An ambulance service will benefit thousands of care-workers and animals who need assistance and first-aid for the rescue.

Extend support to the ones in need by having a corpus fund which will be used to directly pay the hospital/clinic.

We strongly believe in the ability of people to change. We extend a humane approach to advocate for the right to life and dignity for all. Nature is for everyone, the world is for everyone.

We Invite You

Volunteer's Day
Polo's Home Mahabalipuram, ECR
07:00 AM, Every 2nd Saturday
Volunteer at the sanctuary

Become a face of hope
for our rescue children
Volunteer at the sanctuary, or during our vaccination/sterilisation drives